Jun 03, 2018 | Tammy White | 591 views
Weekly Update
We have had a great start to the season and I couldn't be more proud of each player! Way to go team!
We have a practice on Thursday night from 6 to 7:30pm. I'm hoping to have an focus on batting and in field.
Our next game is Friday night in Komoka at 6pm. Please be sure to arrive by 5:30pm and let me know if your player is unable to attend as soon as possible. I prefer a text if possible.
Also, you may have noticed an email that our picture day is coming up. Currently we are scheduled for June 16th at 9am at the Komoka Community Center. I am scheduled to work that day so I am trying to get a later time in the day. If I am successful in changing times, I will let you know.