Welcome to 2017 DKMB Rookie LL 1, News, Rookie LL 1 (Ernie), LDBA, 2017 (Delaware / Komoka / Mt Brydges Minor Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 05, 2017 | Ernie Latif | 825 views
Welcome to 2017 DKMB Rookie LL 1
My name is Ernie Latif, head coach for our 2017 River Cat’s Rookie Local League team #1.  Welcome to anyone who is new to the organization and welcome back for those who played Rookie or Blastball last year.

My focus for this year will be on players’ skills development along with gaining a good understanding of playing baseball on a team.  The expectation for the players is to attend, participate, and have fun.
Home game nights are Monday 6:00 pm @ Komoka Park (Small Field)
Practice nights are Wednesday 6:00 pm @ Kilworth Park
This means that at least half of our scheduled games (all home games) will be Monday night as indicated above at Komoka Park (small field).  There will be weeks where we will have 2 games in which case I will cancel the Wednesday practice.  For our away games not in Komoka I will send an email prior to the game to ensure all know where we are going.
Game Nights:
Most of the games begin at 6pm so we will be doing a warm-up starting at 5:45.

Equipment: I have 7 bats of various sizes/weights that should accommodate all our players.  You can also bring your own bat but it is not required gear.  I have 2 helmets, however, the league recommends that players have their own helmet.  The team uniform is required for all our games and I encourage our players to also wear the uniforms for practice.  Baseball shoes are optional. 
If you have not picked up your team uniform there is another pick-up time of Friday (May 6) at 5pm at the Delaware Lions equipment shed - note a $100 posted dated cheque to September 30 made out to DKMB is required to get your uniform.  The cheque is returned at the end of the year when the uniform is returned.
Picture Day:  Saturday May 27, 2017 at Delaware Community Centre (time TBA).  Rookies have generally gone first thing in the morning (9 am).

Please send me a reply to my email sent Thursday May 4 to ensure that I have the correct email/contact information.

Coach Ernie

May Schedule:

May 10 Wednesday @ 6:00pm Kilworth Park > parent meeting and first practice
May 13 Saturday @ 10:00am Komoka (Small field) > exhibition game vs DKMB #4
May 15 Monday @ 6:00pm Komoka (Small field) > home game vs DKMB #2
May 18 Thursday @ 6:00pm Komoka (Small field) > away game vs DKMB #4
May 22 Monday @ 6:00pm Komoka (Small field) > home game vs NM Lieury
May 24 Wednesday @ 6:00pm Kilworth Park > player practice
May 27 Saturday @ TBA Picture day at Delaware Community Centre
May 29 Monday @ 6:00pm York field (Strathroy) > away game vs Strathroy #1
May 31 Wednesday @ 6:00pm Kilworth Park > team practice

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