Jun 06, 2014 | Stephanie Boyd | 1438 views
First Win of the Season!
The Mite Rivercats started the season with a bump but pulled it all together in Game #3 when they travelled to the home field of Southwest #2. The girls came out strong swinging the bats and jumping ahead in the first inning thanks to some great decisions at the plate, smart base running and the first home run of the season whacked by Tracelynn!
Southwest didn't let up when it was their turn on the offensive and had some good at bats which kept the game close. DKMB Mites had terrific pitching from pitcher Avery who took the mound with confidence for the first time. The slightly more seasoned pitcher, Leah, pitched three strong innings and was in the zone this night recording 8 Ks. She pulled it together in the final inning to keep Southwest from mounting a successful comeback.
The Rivercats team were extremely successful at the plate this night with great at bats from Evelyn, Grace, Sammy and Hannah cashing in some runs when they were there to be had. Smart base running by Abbey, Nicole and Amanda certainly helped the Cats claw their way to victory for the first time this season. Homerun #2 of the season was punched out by Leah in her second at bat of the night.
It was great to see the smiles and hear the cheers of the Rivercats with their first win of the season! Let's keep working and pulling together to get a few more in that win column!