May 13, 2013 | Ryan Trevor | 1522 views
Coaching Expectations
Coaching minor sports is challenging. It takes time, patience, a lot of energy and great communication with the players, parents, other coaches and umpires.
1. DKMB believes in the "Positive" coaching approach, as opposed to the "negative" approach.
What's the difference?
If a player is the last out of the game and the coach says, "you shouldn't have swung at that pitch" this would be a "negative" approach. The player is being scolded for trying to hit the ball.
The "Positive" approach would be something like, "that was a great swing. It didn't look like you missed it by very much. We can work on that at practice a bit more and you'll get it next time. You made a really great play in the 2nd inning that saved a couple of runs. Great game today".
2. Coaches are expected to treat everyone with respect; players, bench staff, parents, umpires, fans and everyone on the opposing teams.
3. Coaches are responsible for the actions of everyone involved with their team; players, bench staff and parents.
4. If there is an issue with a parent, the detail of the issue and how it was handled must be given to the Board. If necessary, the board will address the issue further.
5. All players should be given the opportunity to try learning and playing multiple positions.
*It is understood that there may be sometimes safety issues that may limit the position a particular player can try at younger ages.
6. It is the coaches responsibility to ensure that they are teaching proper baseball techniques. Eg. How to throw properly, pitching, hitting, etc.
There is plenty of information available if you need help but it is up to you to initiate your own learning curve.
7. It is the coaches responsibility to ensure that all NCCP Certifications are valid for the level he/she is caching at. If unsure, ask!
8. Sportsmanship starts at the top. The Coach is to portray great Sportsmanship at all times as well as teach and demand the same from every player. Players learn from your actions... make them positive.
9. Coaches are advised to NOT "run up the score" on weaker teams. This is ta challenging lesson to teach kids but a very big factor in showing good Sportsmanship.