Jul 07, 2012 | Scott Hubert | 829 views
RiverCats Beat Dorchester 20-4 on a Hot afternoon!
The Rivercats got Home Runs by Stuart and Tye and good pitching by Ben and Stuart with help from AP Players Brayden and Jake!!!
Tye went 3 for 4 with a Home Run and 4 RBI's.
Kane got 2 hits and a walk and stole 4 bases.
Tommy got 2 hits and a walk and scored 3 runs.
Ben had a Triple and a walk with 4 RBI's.......and struck out 4 batters in 2 innings on the mound.
Kyle had 2 singles and a Triple with 4 RBI's.
Stuart had 3 Home Runs with 6 RBI's.......and struck out 5 batters in 2 1/3 innings on the mound.
Jacob 2 Hits and 2 stolen bases.
Brayden had a walk and scored a run.
Jake had 2 walks and scored 2 runs.