RiverCats Beat Oakridge 21-3!, News, Mosquito HL Select, LDBA, 2012 (Delaware / Komoka / Mt Brydges Minor Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jul 03, 2012 | Scott Hubert | 716 views
RiverCats Beat Oakridge 21-3!
The RiverCats beat Oakridge behind some good defence by Blake and Adam and some good pitching by Kyle and Liam - Liam pitched great striking out 2 in his first pitching appearance of the season.

Tye went 2 for 3 plus a walk with 5 stolen bases.
Liam walked 4 times, stole 2 bases and scored 2 runs.
Kyle had 3 hits plus a walk including a Home Run!
Ben had 2 hits and two walks and collected 4 RBI's.
Kane had 2 hits plus a walk, stole 3 bases and scored 3 runs.
Richie had a hit plus 2 walks and scored 3 runs.
Blake had a hit plus 2 walks , 2 RBI's and scored 3 runs.
Adam had a hit and a walk and 3 RBI's.
Johnny had 2 hits plus a walk, stole 2 bases and scored 2 runs!!!