Robbed!!, News, Rookie 2, LDBA, 2013 (Delaware / Komoka / Mt Brydges Minor Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jun 13, 2013 | Jamie Bond | 740 views
We played our second game of the week tonight against a strong DKMB #1 club and were in tough from the get go.

The story of the night was the great defense by the other squad.  Ground ball after ground ball was
grabbed and thrown for an out all night long.  In the first inning, Jordan got a solid single, but Jack and
Grant's solid drives were turned into outs to get them out of the inning.  In the bottom of the inning,
their first 2 hitters were able to score, but some steady defense of our own got us out of the inning
with minimal damage.

In the second Ethan led off with a hit and was able to score on solid singles by Andrew, Abbey, and
the rbi by Cam J.  So now we are only down by one and in the bottom of the inning, they quickly got
a run but then struck out 3 times in a row to end the inning.

But that was pretty much it for the game.  The #1 squad made play after play and we were not able to
scratch any more runs across.  It wasn't for a lack of trying on our part though.  Josh made a great play
again in the field but was robbed by some quick gloves and great thows on a great hit.  Evelyn was
busy tracking down balls and made some more great swings.  Blake was also robbed and made a great
throw from the outfield to hold the runners.  Tessa did a fine job behind the plate and had some
more fantastic cuts at the plate. Andrew got two hits and made some plays on the infield. Lily chased
one down tonight and made a great throw to the infield.  Cam Deeks has been the foul ball king and didn't
disappoint he's close.  Raileh played some solid infield tonight and also got a solid single.

It was a nice job by everyone tonight and the score definitely doesn't reflect how well we played. I think
the surprise of the night though was Lily giving me heck in the outfield for not choosing any girls for
the Hustle and Heart award yet.  Well, as luck would have it, I had already made up my mind, and
our winner tonight was none other than Abbey Bond.  She was hustling and giggling all night, and after
a few games in a row of almost getting on base, she finally squeaked out a single and was a big part of
generating our run tonight.  NICE JOB ABBEY!!!!      

RULES 101 - I apologize for getting a little excited at the end of the game on their 10th batter.  Not too
many people know that only the pitcher or the catcher may touch home plate to end the inning.  Jordan,
who was playing first, had touched the plate and technically, that does not count.  We had to get our
catcher, Tessa, to touch the plate with the ball in her hand.  Now you know. See you Saturday!!!!
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